If you are a blogger or writer you can contribute articles and ideas to be used or published on ABtech Blog.
Please note, in order for your article to be accepted you must adhere to these guidelines below:
- Article must be related to our blog.
- Your article must be long enough to be called a blog article and must be original and free from plagiarism. The length of your article must be the 1200 words minimum. We don’t accept spin articles. If you spin an article we’ll surely know.
- You must add your author bio below your article which must include a social media account (facebook, twitter or google plus). One external links to your website or blog is allowed to be put in the author info.
- Please note that you are not allowed to add advertising link to an article. You are not allowed to link to your website in between article, unless there is a valid reason to do so.
- Articles telling the world how great you are or a client is will not be accepted. If you want us to publish such article on our blog, use the sponsored post category.
- Please have it in mind that by submitting your article, we have the right to edit the article, decline your article, edit your article title, remove a link you put in between your article.
- The content would be investigated by the editors before showing up on the site.
- Outgoing links in the article must be relevant and it should not be affiliate links, or links focusing to sell products or services otherwise it would be considered as promotional article.
- Please carefully re-check everything prior to submitting the article. Articles cannot be taken down or altered once they are live!
- If your article satisfy all the above guidelines then you can submit your guest post to hello[at]abtechblog[dot]com with the Subject “Guest Post Submission”.
These guidelines are subjected to change at any time. Contributors are responsible for making themselves aware of changes and adhering to them.
Please note: Submitting a article does not guarantee that the article will be published on ABTech Blog .